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I conducted a survey on the impact of COVID-19 on female professionals in their respective business industries. Respondents to the survey answered a multitude of different questions relating to the impact of COVID-19 on their professional work or their experience in business as a woman.

Any topic covering the pandemic is very new and has very little research or data to support it. The role of women in business continues to evolve and the pandemic is a major factor in its evolution. This survey allows us to gain insight into what will retain women longer, what new challenges needs to be overcome, and what features of the current work environment need to remain in the industry long term.

I am a future woman in business pursuing a career in public accounting after graduation. These are hot topics that will impact anyone in the business world for years to come and especially new graduates.

Publication Date

Spring 2022


Advised by Dr. Lindsay Calkins, Department of Economics and Dr. Karen Schuele, Kramer School of Accountancy

The Evolution of Women in Business  During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond

Included in

Business Commons
