Submissions from 2025
Imitating Abraham: Ritual and Exemplarity in Jewish and Christian Contexts, Claudia D. Bergmann and Thomas R. Blanton IV
Bretzke, James T. Moral Debates in Contemporary Catholic Thought: Paradigms, Principles, and Prudence, James Bretzke S.J.
Male and Female Genital Modifications in Anthropological Perspective, Ellen Gruenbaum, Thomas R. Blanton IV, and Cathie Spieser
Submissions from 2024
Beyond the Binary: Religious Bioethical Analysis of Post-Dobbs Abortion Legislation, James Bretzke S.J.
Bretzke, James T. Moral Debates in Contemporary Catholic Thought: Paradigms, Principles, and Prudence, James Bretzke S.J.
Reactions to the Vatican declaration on blessing same-sex couples show that culture matters, James Bretzke S.J.
Meta social technology and a ritual of power, Maurice Emelu
Confessions: The Autobiography of Pedro de Ribadeneira and Other Writings, Paul V. Murphy
Submissions from 2023
Did Jewish Women Circumcise Male Infants in Antiquity? A Reassessment of the Evidence, Thomas R. Blanton IV
review of The Struggle over Class: Socioeconomic Analysis of Ancient Christian Texts, Thomas R. Blanton IV
Wealth, Poverty, Economy, Thomas R. Blanton IV
a review of Lucien Miller's Jesus in the Hands of Buddha: The Life and Legacy of Shigeto Vincent Oshida, O.P., James Bretzke S.J.
Jesus in the Hands of Buddha: The Life and Legacy of Shigeto Vincent Oshida,, James Bretzke S.J.
Using Parasite’s Scholar’s Stone (水石) in a Critical Race Decoding of Racism and Class, James Bretzke S.J.
Walking Together. The Way of Synodality, James Bretzke S.J.
Walking With Pope Francis: The Official Documents in Everyday Language, James Bretzke S.J.
Submissions from 2022
The scholastic culture of the Babylonian Talmud, Noah B. Bickart
A Relational Account of Structure and Agency via ‘Lived Ancient Religion’ and the ‘Processing Approach’, with a Case Study of Circumcision in Ancient Judaism*, Thomas R. Blanton IV
Manual Labor and Sustenance, Thomas R. Blanton IV
Nakedness: New Testament.” Columns 631–32, Thomas R. Blanton IV
Taxation, Economy, and Revolt in Ancient Rome, Galilee, and Egypt, Thomas R. Blanton IV, Agnes Choi, and Jinyu Liu
Movemus ergo sumus: Riding the Korean Wave, Gang-Nam Style, from Seoul to MIT, James Bretzke S.J.
Mormon-ish: Negotiating Religious Ambivalence Online, Kristen Tobey
Submissions from 2021
Christian Ethics, Norms, and the Moral Evaluation of an Act, James Bretzke S.J.
The Epistemic Parity of Religious Apologetic and Religion Debunking Responses to the Cognitive Science of Religion, Walter Scott Stepanenko
Submissions from 2020
Dignity: An Islamic Perspective, Zeki Saritoprak
Submissions from 2019
A Bridge Too Short: The Catholic Response to Racism and Segregation in Cleveland, Ohio in the 1960s., James Gutowski
Conversations with the Biblical World: A Peer-Reviewed Journal of Studies of the Archaeology, Culture, History, and Literature of the Bible and the Ancient Near East, Susan Haddox and Sheila E. McGinn
The Historiography of the Jesuits in Brazil Prior to the Suppression, Anne McGinness
Amdo politics and religion—Tuken Losang Choki Nyima (Thu’u bkwan Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, 1737-1802)1, Paul K. Nietupski
Medieval Khmer Society: The Life and Times of Jayavarman VII (ca. 1120–1218), Paul K. Nietupski
Mary in Islam, Zeki Saritoprak
Cities of Refuge, John R. Spencer
Submissions from 2018
From Middlemarch to The Da Vinci Code: Portrayals of Religious Studies in Popular Culture, Brian Collins and Kristen Tobey
A Mixed Place: The Pastoral Symposium of Horace, Kristen Ehrhardt
Bibles, Ballots, and Bills: Political Resistance to Parochial Education in 1870s Ohio, James Gutowski
Early Modern Catholic Missions in Brazil: The Challenge of the Outsiders, Anne McGinness
Conversations with the Biblical World. A Peer Reviewed Journal of Studies of the Archeology, Culture, History, and Literature of the Bible and the Near East, Sheila E. McGinn
SBL Annual Meeting Panel — Human Trafficking and the Bible, Linking the Past to the Present: A Response to the Panelists, Sheila E. McGinn
Visions of Tibet, Paul K. Nietupski
"A Covenant with Death: Death in the Iron Age II and Its Rhetorical Uses in Proto-Isaiah.", John R. Spencer
Heroines, Heroes and Deity: Three Narratives of the Biblical Heroic Tradition, John R. Spencer
Submissions from 2017
Internal Renewal and Dissent in the Early Christian World, Sheila E. McGinn
Islamic Spirituality: Theology and Practice for the Modern World, Zeki Saritoprak
Submissions from 2012
Review of Christmas in Germany: A Cultural History, by J. Perry, Joseph F. Kelly
Submissions from 2010
Review of Landscape with Two Saints: How Genovefa of Paris and Brigit of Kildare Built Christianity in Barbarian Europe, by L.M. Bitel, Joseph F. Kelly
Submissions from 2009
Review of Signs of Devotion: The Cult of St. Aethelthryth in Medieval England, 695-1615, by V. Blanton, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Peer Review of Teaching: a Sourcebook, by Nancy Van Note Chism (pages, Sheila E. McGinn
Submissions from 2008
Review of Episcopal Culture in Late Anglo-Saxon England, by M.F. Giandrea, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Feasting the Dead: Food and Drink in Anglo-Saxon Burial Rituals, by C. Lee, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Becoming a High Performance Mentor: A Guide to Reflection and Action, by James B. Rowley., Sheila E. McGinn
Submissions from 2007
Review of Celi De in Ireland: Monastic Writing and Identity in the Early Middle Ages, by W. Follett, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of The New Cambridge Medieval History, Vol 1: ca. 500-700, edited by P. Fouracre, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Hallmarks of Effective Outcomes Assessment. Assessment Update Collections, Sheila E. McGinn
Theology forum: “Let Go of Their Jaundiced and Erroneous Views", Thomas L. Schubeck
Submissions from 2006
Response to Richard B. Miller's Children, Ethics, and Modern Medicine, Paul Lauritzen
Submissions from 2004
Review of Capital Punishment and Roman Catholic Moral Tradition, by E. Christian Brugger, Thomas L. Schubeck S.J.
Submissions from 2003
Review of Celtic Theology: Humanity, World and God in Early Irish Writings, by T. O'Loughlin, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Women in a Celtic Church: Ireland AD 450-1150, by C. Harrington, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Using Simulations to Promote Learning in Higher Education: an Introduction, by John P. Hertel and Barbara J. Millis., Sheila E. McGinn
Submissions from 2002
A point of contention: the scriptural basis for the Jehovah's Witnesses' refusal of blood transfusions., John R. Spencer
Submissions from 2000
Review of King of Mysteries: Early Irish Religious Writings, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Saint Augustine and the Conversion of England, edited by R. Gameson, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of The Darkness of God, Sheila E. McGinn
Submissions from 1999
Review of Biblical Exegesis and the Formation of Christian Culture, by F. Young, Joseph F. Kelly
Submissions from 1998
Review of The Pure Land Tradition: History and Development, edited by J. Foard, M. Solomon, and R.K. Payne, Paul K. Nietupski
PQD, the Levites, and Numbers 1-4, John R. Spencer
Submissions from 1997
Review of Crossing the Circle at the Holy Wells of Ireland, by W.I. Brenneman and M.G. Brenneman, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Ennodius of Pavia, 'Panegyricus Dictus Clementissimo Rege Theodorico': A Critical Edition, by C. Rohr, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Isle of the Saints: Monastic Settlement and Christian Community in Early Ireland, by L.M. Bitel, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Three Eleventh Century Anglo-Latin Saints' Lives: Vita S. Birini, Vita Et Miracula S. Kenelmi, Vita S. Rumwoldi, edited by R.C. Love, Joseph F. Kelly
Submissions from 1996
Review of Dreams in Late Antiquity: Studies in the Imagination of a Culture, by P.C. Miller, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Faith, Art, and Politics at Saint-Riquier: The Symbolic Vision of Angilbert, by S.A. Rabe, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Surrogates and Other Mothers: The Debates over Assisted Reproduction, by R. Macklin, Paul Lauritzen
Review of Visions of Sukhavati: Shan-Tao's Commentary On the Kuan Wu-Liang-Shou-Fo Ching, by J.F. Pas, Paul K. Nietupski
Submissions from 1995
Review of De Gratia: Faustus-Of-Riez 'Treatise On Grace' and its Place in the History of Theology, by T.A. Smith, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Fifteenth Century Carthusian Reform: The World of Nicholas Kempf, by D.D. Martin, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Images of Sanctity in Eddius Stephanus 'Life of Bishop Wilfrid', an Early English Saints Life, by W.T. Foley, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of The Last Christology of the West: Adoptionism in Spain and Gaul, AD 785-820, by J.C. Cavadini, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Buddhist Behavioral Codes and the Modern World : An International Symposium, by C.W.H. Fu and S.A. Wawrytko, Paul K. Nietupski
Review of Mysterium Liberationis: Fundamental Concepts of Liberation Theology, Thomas L. Schubeck S.J.
Submissions from 1994
Review of Exegesis and Spiritual Pedagogy in Maximus the Confessor: An Investigation into the 'Questiones Ad Thalassium,' by P.M. Blowers, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Patrick Saint World, by L. Depaor, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Liberation Theology: an Introductory Guide, Thomas L. Schubeck S.J.
Submissions from 1993
Review of The Pastor: Readings From the Patristic Period, P.I. Culbertson and A.B. Shippee, Editors, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of The World of Bede, by P.H. Blair, Joseph F. Kelly
Submissions from 1992
Divine folly : being religious and the exercise of humor, Doris K. Donnelly
Submissions from 1991
Review of The Medieval Pilgrimage to St. Patrick's Purgatory: Lough-Derg and the European Tradition, M. Haren and Y.D. Pontfarcy, Editors, Joseph F. Kelly
Submissions from 1990
Review of Agni-Immaculati, Research on Hagiographic Sources Related to Maieul (Maiolus) of Cluny, 954-994, French, by D. Iognaprat, Joseph F. Kelly
Submissions from 1989
Review of The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325-787): Their History and Theology, by L.D. Davis, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of Who was Saint Patrick, by E.A. Thompson, Joseph F. Kelly
The New Prophecy of Asia Minor and the Rise of Ecclesiastical Patriarchy in Second Century Pauline Traditions, Sheila E. McGinn
Submissions from 1988
Updating Liberation Theology, Thomas L. Schubeck S.J. and Arthur F. McGovern
Review of Early Judaism and its Modern Interpreters, edited by Robert A. Kraft and George Nickelsburg., John R. Spencer
Submissions from 1987
Review of The Historia Brittonum 3: The 'Vatican' Recension, by D.N. Dumville, Joseph F. Kelly
Review of The Language and Logic of the Bible: The Earlier Middle Ages, by G.R. Evans, Joseph F. Kelly