
Venice [Venetijs]
Exact Date
On the left side, six balls, 5 plain and the sixth with a fleur de lys; on the right side the lion of St. Mark at the top and a hat below. This coat of arms, known as Doctor's Hat, was used by Bernardo Giunta and family as its brand from 1579-1585.
From: Asinius, Johannes Baptista. Practica aurea, seu processus iudiciarius Io. Baptistae Asinij, iuriscon. Florentini ... : ad statutum Florentinum De modo procedendi in ciuilibus, interpretatio... Venetijs: Apud Philippum Iuntam, & Frates, M. D. LXXXI.
John Carroll University, balls, lion of St. Mark, hat, Doctor's Hat