Submissions from 2025
Dangerous Anarchist Strikers, Nathan Jun
Submissions from 2024
Tom Wetzel, Overcoming Capitalism: Strategy for the Working Class in the 21st Century, Nathan Jun
Geode: A Novel About Environmental Ethics, Sharon M. Kaye
Submissions from 2023
Guidebook for The Logic of Happiness, Sharon M. Kaye
Plato versus Aristotle: Philosophical Debates, Sharon M. Kaye
The Logic of Happiness, Sharon M. Kaye
Catholic Higher Education and Catholic Social Thought, Bernard Prusak and Jennifer Reed-Bouley
Submissions from 2022
Care Ethics and Paternalism: A Beauvoirian Approach, Deniz Durmus
Care Ethics and Paternalism: A Beauvoirian Approach, Deniz Durmus
French Existentialism, Deniz Durmus
Big Thinkers and Big Ideas: An Introduction to Eastern and Western Philosophers for Kids, Sharon M. Kaye
Philosophy Debates for Kids Thought Experiments that Raise Issues for Taking Sides, Sharon M. Kaye
The Original Position, Sharon M. Kaye
The Original Position: Guidebook, Sharon M. Kaye
The Paradox Box: Guidebook, Sharon M. Kaye
The Paradox Box: The Student Book, Sharon M. Kaye
Football in DR Congo: A Critical Account of “Congolese Football”, Tamba Nlandu
As a priest thinks, so he is : the role of philosophy in seminary formation, Beth rath and Patricia Pintado-Murphy.
Submissions from 2021
The Philosophy Book for Beginners: A Brief Introduction to Great Thinkers and Big Ideas, Sharon M. Kaye
The Squirrel Behind the Tree, Sharon M. Kaye
Squirrel Behind the Tree Guidebook, Sharon M. Kaye and Jennifer Ault
A Liberal Theory of Practical Morality, Earl W. Spurgin
Submissions from 2020
Big Thinkers and Big Ideas: An Introduction to Eastern and Western Philosophy for Kids, Sharon M. Kaye
Take a Stand!: Classroom Activities That Explore Philosophical Arguments That Matter to Teens, Sharon M. Kaye
The Transparent Eyeball, Sharon M. Kaye
Submissions from 2019
Emile or On Education, Stuart Fuller*
Guidebook for Emile or On Education, Stuart Fuller*
Simone de Beauvoir and the Colonial Experience: Freedom, Violence, and Identity, Nya Nathalie
Why the Duty to Self-Censor Requires Social-Media Users to Maintain Their Own Privacy, Earl W. Spurgin
Submissions from 2018
Race and the extra-legal punishment of professional athletes, Samuel V. Bruton, Donald F. Sacco, Earl W. Spurgin, and Kori N. Armstrong
Dr. Seuss and Aristotle on the Most Important Friendship of All, Sharon M. Kaye
Thought Experiment as an Interdisciplinary Pedagogy, Sharon M. Kaye
Submissions from 2017
The Categorical Imperative, Sharon M. Kaye
The Categorical Imperative: Guidebook, Sharon M. Kaye
The Divided Line, Sharon M. Kaye
The Divided Line: Guidebook, Sharon M. Kaye
The Inverted Spectrum, Sharon M. Kaye
The Inverted Spectrum: Guidebook, Sharon M. Kaye
Will power, Sharon M. Kaye
Will Power Guidebook, Sharon M. Kaye
Xperiment, Sharon M. Kaye
Xperiment Guidebook, Sharon M. Kaye
Are coaches obligated to serve as good role models, Earl W. Spurgin
Submissions from 2011
Review of Rethinking the History of Skepticism: The Missing Medieval Background, Sharon M. Kaye
Submissions from 2010
Peg Birmingham: Hannah Arendt and Human Rights: The Predicament of Common Responsibility, Dianna Taylor
Submissions from 2009
Submissions from 2008
Play Until the Whistle Blows: Sportsmanship as the Outcome of Thirdness, Tamba Nlandu
Submissions from 2006
Occupational Safety and Paternalism: Machan Revisited, Earl W. Spurgin
Submissions from 2004
The Goals and Merits of a Business Ethics Competency Exam, Earl W. Spurgin
Submissions from 2003
What's Wrong with Computer-Generated Images of Perfection in Advertising?, Earl W. Spurgin
Practicing politics with Foucault and Kant: toward a critical life, Dianna Taylor
Submissions from 2001
Do Shareholders Have Obligations to Stakeholders?, Earl W. Spurgin
Submissions from 2000
What's so special about a special ethics for business?, Earl W. Spurgin