
Special Issue

Editor's Note

When the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Ohio Association of Economics and Political Science was cancelled due to the ongoing threat of the Covid-19 virus, the Executive Officers in consultation with the editorial staff of the Journal of Economics and Politics decided to compile abstracts in a Special Issue of the Journal of Economics and Politics in lieu of the 2020 Annual Meeting. The intent was to facilitate dialogue in the absence of the 79th Annual Meeting. The purpose of the OAEPS remains “to encourage and foment the understanding and dissemination of knowledge, and to facilitate dialogue regarding economics and political science, and to sponsor events that carry out these goals.” This Special Issue is published and made available to all. Contact information is provided for each submission so readers can engage authors in constructive discussion without the health treat created by hosting an academic conference during a pandemic.



Democracy in Mexico
Noah Holtman


What is an Assault Weapon?
Wm. Alan Bartley and Geoffrey Fain Williams