The John Carroll Review
Volume 74, Issue 1 (2022)
Front Matter
What You Can't See
Donya Darvish
F*ck Birds
Jack Connelley
The Cost of Quiet
Demitri Cullen
Ode to the Dunkin Donuts Parking Lot
Donya Darvish
In the Beginning
Autumn Franz
Ode to the Hole in my Grey Denim Jeans
Autumn Franz
The Span of a Torch
Megan Grantham
Water Bottle
Bethany Jewell
In the South of France
Rachel Kerling
Ode to this Pen
Rachel Kerling
A Martyr's Death (a zuihitsu)
Elizabeth Marcelli
Night's Light
Elizabeth Marcelli
The Hesitant Bird
Natalie March
All You Do is Let us Down
Nora McKee
Young Things
Nora McKee
Memorial to a Friendly
Christine Mellick
Anxiety Recalls
Jessica Merolla
The Clinic
Keisha Orr
We are Made of
Lucy Peloso
Identity (an erasure poem)
A J. Rowe
An Ode to My Futon
Brandi Sutton
The Time I Was Victimized on Halloween
Brandi Sutton
If I Had Been Born a Cricket
Alexis Torer
The Write Time
Alexis Torer
Short Fiction
Mara Bahmer
The Kitchen Table
Emily Elvoid
Migraine During a Late night Drive
Julia Kashuba
The Old Man
Madeleine Polcyn
Visual Arts
Reflected Iridescence
Mara Bahmer
Busy Beagles
Sophia Filipiak
Fall Break, Toronto Island
Lee Hyejin
Emerald Path
Haley Kovach
Judi Yitti Koval
Western Wall, Jerusalem
Judi Yitti Koval
O'Malley Sky
Youstina Melek
Taylor Newhart
YinYang Ocean
Quinn Orloff
The Smile I Miss the Most
Marie Pinzone
Frosted Mini Wheaties
Tim Rubeling
Particular Grace
Tim Rubeling
Monarch Rest
Gabrielle Sergi