The John Carroll Review
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2017)
Front Matter
Editor's Note
Emily M.M. Rogers
Misspent Youth
Grace Day-Strosnider
Eat at Joe's
KC Esper
The Backseat
Nicholas Fiedler
Words of Wikipedia
Dominic Gideon
A Letter to My Brother
Katherine Hayes
Silvia Iorio
The Patriarchy
Silvia Iorio
Elegy for Naive Love
Rachel Lefebre
What Will Be, Will Be
Michalena Mezzopera
Young Linguists
Chris O'Hara
Better Off
Anika Prots
The First Time I Saw Prostitutes
Rita Rizkala
How I Became a Bicycle Mechanic
Thomas Robinson
A Mature Tete-a-Tete
Anthony Shoplik
The Birds and the Bees
Zachary Thomas
Trout Fishing
Sara Verdi
To My Mother
Alexander Wells
The Tiny Table in the Coffee House
Nina Carrino
My Sister's Legacy
Elissa Filozof
The Glade and the Grove
Mallory Fitzpatrick
Visual Arts
American Steel
Noah Paulsen