Date of Award

Spring 2015



First Advisor

Dr. Michael P. Martin


Circadian rhythms (CR) are 24-hour cycles that regulate physiological processes of the human body, such as sleep and blood glucose levels. They allow organisms to coordinate behavioral, physiological, and molecular processes with the 24-hour light/dark cycle. CRs influence metabolism through transcriptional-translation mechanisms of time-keeping, which are activated by environmental stimuli. It is known that circadian rhythms influence glucose metabolism through a variety of ways including G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs); however, the extent to which these mechanisms operate are unknown. Disrupted CRs lead to inappropriate GPCR pathway signaling, pancreatic beta-cell failure, and misregulation of gene expression, which results in a predisposition to metabolic disease. Possible drug targets and lifestyle choices may be identified to prevent or treat metabolic diseases due to new research.

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