Submissions from 2017
Deimatic behaviour exhibited by the green and black poison frog (Dendrobates auratus) after exposure from a cover object, Ralph Saporito
Escape behaviour of aposematic (Oophaga pumilio) and cryptic (Craugastor sp.) frogs in response to simulated predator approach, Ralph Saporito
Anura-Frogs: Phyllobates Lugubris (Lovely Poison Frog). Predatorprey Interactions, M. Solano, A. Vega, and Ralph Saporito
Chemical characterization of the adhesive secretions of the salamander Plethodon shermani (Caudata, Plethodontidae), Janek von Byern, Ingo Grunwald, Max Kosok, Ralph Saporito, Ursula Dicke, Oliver Wetjen, Karsten Thiel, Kai Borcherding, Thomas Kowalik, and Martina Marchetti-Deschmann
The interacting roles of climate, soils, and plant production on soil microbial communities at a continental scale, M. P. Waldrop, J. M. Holloway, D. B. Smith, M. B. Goldhaber, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, K. M. Scow, R. Dick, D. Howard, B. Wylie, and J. B. Grace
Submissions from 2016
Phenotypic plasticity and population differentiation in response to salinity in the invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Brenda J. Grewell, Jesus M. Castillo, and Meghan J. Skaer Thomason
Trait responses of invasive aquatic macrophyte congeners: colonizing diploid outperforms polyploid, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Brenda J. Grewell, Meghan J. Skaer Thomason, C. J. Futrell, and M. Iannucci
Functional trait values, not trait plasticity, drive the invasiveness of Rosa sp. in response to light availability, Rebecca E. Drenovsky and Jennifer E. Murphy
Seed Production and Seedling Fitness Are Uncoupled from Maternal Plant Productivity in Three Aridland Bunchgrasses, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Megan L. Thornhill, Matthew A. Krestrick, Daniel M. Dlugos, Jeremy J. James, and Tony J. Svejcar
Submissions from 2015
The non-native plant Rosa multifl ora expresses shade avoidance traits under low light availability, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Daniel M. Dlugos, Hillary Collins, and Elise M. Bartelme
Clonal integration in Ludwigia hexapetala under different light regimes, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, R. E. Glover, C. J. Futrell, and Brenda J. Grewell
Submissions from 2014
Biogeomorphology of a Mojave Desert landscape — Configurations and feedbacks of abiotic and biotic land surfaces during landform evolution, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, N. Pietrasiak, L. S. Santiago, and R. C. Graham
Submissions from 2013
Potential and realized nutrient resorption in serpentine and non-serpentine chaparral shrubs and trees, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Catherine E. Koehler, Kathryn Skelly, and James H. Richards
Impacts of drought on plant water relations and nitrogen nutrition in dryland perennial grasses, Albina Khasanove, Jeremy J. James, and Rebecca E. Drenovsky
Submissions from 2012
A functional trait perspective on plant invasion, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Brenda J. Grewell, and Carla M. D'Antonio
Trait Convergence and Plasticity Among Native and Invasive Species in Resource-Poor Environments, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Albina Khasanova, and Jeremy J. James
Submissions from 2011
Managing soil nitrogen to restore annual grass infested communities: An effective strategy or incomplete framework?, Rebecca Drenovsky
Comparative Ecology of Sarcobatus Baileyi and Sarcobatus Vermiculatus in Eastern California, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Alynn M. Martin, Molly R. Falasco, and James H. Richards
Geologic composition influences distribution of microbiotic crusts in the Mojave and Colorado Deserts at the regional scale, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Nicole Pietrasiak, and Jeffrey R. Johansen
Comparison of Disturbance Impacts to and Spatial Distribution of Biological Soil Crusts in the Little San Bernardino Mountains of Joshua Tree National Park, California, Nicole Pietrasiak, Jeffrey R. Johansen, Tasha LaDoux, and Robert C. Graham
Submissions from 2010
Variation in nutrient resorption by desert shrubs, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Jeremy J. James, and James H. Richards
Plant community and tissue chemistry responses to fertilizer and litter nutrient manipulations in a temperate grassland, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Jean J. Pan, Brittany Widner, and Deborah Ammerman
Land use and climatic factors structure regional patterns in soil microbialcommunities, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Kerri L. Steenworth, Louise E. Jackson, and Kate M. Scow
Submissions from 2009
Environmental stress and genetics influence night-time leaf conductance in the C4 grass Distichlis spicata, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Mairgareth A. Christman, Jeremy J. James, and James H. Richards
Spatial and seasonal variations in mercury methylation and microbial community structure in a historic mercury mining area, Yolo County, California, J. M. Holloway, M. B. Goldhaber, K. M. Scow, and Rebecca E. Drenovsky
Submissions from 2008
Shrub-interspace dynamics alter relationships between microbial community composition and belowground ecosystem characteristics, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Z. T. Aanderud, M. I. Shuldman, and J. H. Richards
New and Current Microbiological Tools for Ecosystem Ecologists: Towards a Goal of Linking Structure and Function, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Kevin P. Ferris, Katharine M. Batten, and Krassimira Hristova
Variation in Resource Acquisition and Utilization Traits Between Native and Invasive Perennial Forbs, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Christina E. Martin, Molly R. Falasco, and Jeremy J. James
Soil morphology, depth and grapevine root frequency influence microbial communities in a Pinot noir vineyard, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, K. L. Steenwerth, J. J. Lambert, D. A. Kluepfel, K. M. Scow, and D. R. Smart
The Biological Soil Crusts of the San Nicolas Island: Enigmatic Algae from a Geographically Isolated Ecosystem, Valerie R. Flechtner, Jeffrey R. Johansen, and Jayne Belnap
Submissions from 2007
Invasion by Aegilops triuncialis (Barb Goatgrass) Slows Carbon and Nutrient Cycling in a Serpentine Grassland, Rebecca E. Drenovsky and Katharine M. Batton
A Basis for Relative Growth Rate Differences Between Native and Invasive Forb Seedlings, Rebecca E. Drenovsky and Jeremy J. James
Diatom Species Composition and Ecology of the Animas River Watershed, Colorado, USA, Gerald V. Sgro, John B. Poole, and Jeffrey R. Johansen
Submissions from 2006
Influence of resource pulses and perennial neighbors on the establishment of an invasive annual grass in the Mojave Desert, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, J. J. James, M. A. Caird, and R. L. Sheley
Soil microbial community composition as affected by restoration practices in California grassland, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Martin Pothoff, Kerri L. Steenwerth, Louise E. Jackson, Rainer G. Joergensen, and Kate M. Scow
Low leaf N and P resorption contributes to nutrient limitation in two desert shrubs, Rebecca E. Drenovsky and J. H. Richards
Submissions from 1996
Evagination of the Thyroid Primordium Involves Novel Cell Behaviors, Gwendolyn M. Kinebrew and S. R. Hilfer